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  1. Asteroids (See below)
  3. 5G – What is it really? See separate page.
  4. What do the New Madrid Faultline and the Cascadia Subduction Zone have in common (among many others all over the world)? There is huge movement of the earth and magma is flowing. There are gag orders on alphabet agencies from warning us!

*******************ASTEROID SHOWERS AND POLE SHIFT******************** I am not attempting to be dramatic and I am struggling to put this out here because it is extremely difficult to learn. If the information shared in these videos are true, many will perish in the US and all over the world. The bible states in at least 12 verses that firey hail stones will be thrown to the earth. In Isaiah 24:20, it states that the earth feels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind’ so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls – never to rise again. Are we in the last days? I personally think so. It is time to take heed and PLEASE PLEASE PRAY ABOUT IT.

There is no doubt we have all been asking what is going on in the world as darkness seems to be consuming the minds and love for others is growing cold. Many who are reading this know that I have been following bible predictions (prophecy) for years now. Well, if this does happen, my prayer is that you come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. By giving a forewarning, perhaps you can take your family to a safe location.

Chilean Astronomer Research
Map of US Following Pole Shift

Why do I think this is a very possible scenario? I have several thoughts.

  • Months ago, I heard about one of the largest telescopes being shut down abruptly. The stories that followed surrounding the incident were just insane. No one could get a straight answer from the media as to why it shut down. NOW, there are roughly 100 observatories with large telescopes that have been forced to shutdown. Here is the link to that story:
  • The secular news has been reporting on the pole shift that has increased in speed over the last couple of years. The north pole is moving towards Siberia by a gravitational magnetic shift. You should be able to find ample information on this. Here is a quote and link from one resource discussing the pole shift: “This rapid movement is striking alarm bells everywhere from a navigational perspective. During the past 150 years, the pole shift has been in the same direction. The most astonishing fact is that since 2000, the magnetic North Pole has shifted nearly half of the total distance of the past 50 years! In other words, the pole shift has apparently picked up speed so much so that they have had to re-calibrate airports and their GPS signals so planes can still find them. This rapid movement of 55km a year can really alter transportation.”
  • If you read my letters for a few years ago, you may recall me mentioning the planetary system that is coming towards earth. It is known in the bible as wormwood but is often referred to as Niburu, Planet X, the Black Star. This planetary system is dragging with it asteroids. It is my understanding that currently, Jupiter is taking a brunt of the hit but will soon be moving out from between earth and the planetary system.
Published inBible ProphecyDeagel Report