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Trump: You will know them by their fruits!

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15

Did you know that the Christian in Germany supported Hitler? They believed him to be a man raised up by God to do a great work. Does this sound familiar?

Here is an excerpt from the book Christian compromise with Nazi Germany’s political leadership is well documented in painful detail. There was resistance, but it was the exception rather than the rule. German Christianity was terribly timid. Leadership lacked spiritual strength because of serious Biblical ignorance and unbelief. But it was not just the leaders. Christians in Germany — Protestants even more than Catholics — not only cooperated with the Third Reich, a large percentage even celebrated it.

There are reasons, of course, for Germans in the 1930s resenting the resolution of WWI and the policies of the Weimar Republic, and they are not entirely illegitimate. Christians also bought into the national socialist program for supposedly Christian reasons.[i] Hitler knew how to appeal to the underlying dissatisfaction to gain his place at the head of a new Germany. In his book, Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany, Robert Gellately notes Hitler’s policy of obtaining Christian support.

Hitler also reached out to opponents, like the Catholics, by signing a Concordat with the Vatican on 8 July 1933. Until then, Catholic voters were loyal to their Centre Party, and it was they who were mainly responsible for denying the Nazis their electoral majorities. Catholics soon adjusted to the dictatorship. Protestants, however, were more sympathetic to Nazism all along. In their church elections of 1933, two-thirds of the voters supported the German Christian sect that wanted to integrate Nazism and Christianity, and to expel Jews who had converted to Protestantism. Hitler made a brief radio appeal to Protestants on the eve of these church elections, and asked them to show their support for Nazi policies. He could not have been disappointed by the pro-Nazi results.[ii]

Matthew 7:16 tells us that you will recognize them (Christians) by their fruits. Trump has stated on many occasions that he is a Christian even though he blasphemes God’s and has come out and stated that he has never asked God for forgiveness and just tries to do better.

God is the judge, not me, but I think we ought to pray for discernment of wolves in sheeps clothing. It is a fact that Trump was a Democrat previously. If not for Christians, how would he have done in the Presidency against Clinton? I don’t know the answer to that but it is worth pondering.

What promises did Trump make to the people to get the Christians vote? How did he follow through on those promises?


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Following is the 2018/2019 Annual Report from Planned Parenthood. Funding INCREASED During Trumps Presidency. NOTE: Number of Abortions was 345,572

Following is the 2014/2015 Annual Report from Planned Parenthood. NOTE: Number of Abortions was 323,999. During the Obama presidency.

Following is the link to an independent news source showing how Planned Parenthood has seen an INCREASE in profits since Trumps presidency

Just because he said he supports the right to life, doesn’t mean he does, I believe he JUST NEEDED VOTES FROM THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY! Here is a quote from the article.

“Medicaid payments are the backbone of Planned Parenthood as nearly half of the organization’s patients receive healthcare coverage under the program. The provider reported $616.8 million in government revenue for the 2018-19 fiscal year, up from $543.7 million when Trump took office in 2017. “

For we don’t fight against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers of the unseen world

Satan has had several thousand years to plan and deceive the people of this world. He is not concerned about those who are already doomed, he wants the souls of God’s people. We need to be wise as “SERPENTS” and gentle as doves. There is a reason God warns us in the bible NOT BE DECEIVED. Sadly, I believe many are being deceived in this nation.

Did you know MAGA is the highest degree of Satanic Worship? This came directly from the Satanist website. The bullets down below list from least to greatest degree in the cult. The enemy communicates with signs. Once you know them, you see them everywhere!

  • Registered Member (no degree)
  • Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)
  • Witch/Warlock (Second Degree)
  • Priestess/Priest (Third Degree)
  • Magistra/Magister (Fourth Degree)
  • Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree)

Why do we allow ourselves to pass this off as coincidence? We may throw these signs out in ignorance but the elites, Hollywood icons and politicians use them with purpose. Logos and signs even have their symbology.

By Manly P. Hall – Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries; in fact it is the language not only of mysticism and philosophy but of all Nature, for every law and power active in universal procedure is manifested to the limited sense perceptions of man through the medium of symbols.

Freemason? Interesting where he holds this envelope

“Drain the Swamp!”

Or, maybe just appoint more people from the swamp! He didn’t drain it, he expanded it!

How many people from the swamp are sitting in prison as Trump claimed he would be doing in an effort to drain the swamp? Typical political promises unkept.

Does Trump really support our Second Amendment to Bear Arms?

He is a Strong Proponent of the Vaccine and Operation Warp Speed was Created During HIS Administration

The Economy is Thriving!

COVID or not, the economy has been tanking! I don’t know what games they are playing on Wall Street but I don’t see people thriving, nor have I for a long time. This is just my observation. If you have differing views, I would love to hear them.

Published inAgenda 21Deagel ReportDepopulationGeorgia GuidestonesVaccineWorld Economic Forum