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The Economic System WILL Collapse

The illuminati cannot create a New World Order while each country has their own National currency. Our dollar and economy will collapse soon!

The Bible is very clear that there will be a one-world Government in the end days. If you received my letters in 2018 and prior, those letters are germaine to the time we are in right now.

Many who are not familiar with the Bible likely do not know that the Mark of the Beast will be a required mark on the right hand or forehead so that you may buy or sell. Go to MOB page to learn more about this.

I believe this vaccine for COVID is a PRECURSOR to the Mark of the Beast. Early in the so-called pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci did say that we would not be able to go back to normal life if we don’t take it (no travel, buying or going out in public). None the less, this vaccine has the nano technology that is changing DNA (Claus Shuab told us this in one of his speeches) and create the transhumanism as spoken of in the Bible. As of September, 2021, I am getting a strong understanding that the CryptoCurrency WILL be the means by which the world will have the same currency. This is what you will want to watch develop then you will know that Jesus leads those that seek him to truth.

The banks tell us there is a coin shortage and that they are eliminating the use of cash because it is dirty and could spread CV19.

It’s time to start asking ourselves, is the timing of all this just a coincidence or part of a much bigger plan?

If you are still not believing anything that is being shared with you, here is the patent on the system that will track our every move and the social credit score (yes, like the one the communist country of China has). If we refuse to take the vaccine, our credit score will be affected. I would guess, we will eventually not be able to buy or sell unless we have it or the RFID that will link all there is to know about us to the cloud or whatever it will be. Below is the patent.
Published inAgenda 21Depopulation